If you’re planning on taking a trip outside of Canada, please contact us prior to leaving. Our ongoing monitoring programs have identified increased levels of fraud in certain countries. [...]
Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL) protects consumers and businesses from the misuse of digital technology, including spam and other electronic threats. It also aims to help [...]
BIG thank you to the members who joined us for our first ever stain glass workshop! Please see some pictures and testimonials from attendees who attended! “The stained-glass workshop was a [...]
TECU branches will be closed for Monday Sep 4, 2023. We will be open for business again Tuesday, Sep 5, 2023. Did you know? You can bank when and where you like! You can access your account 24/7 [...]
Interac e-Transfer®Autodeposit is fast and convenient and if you have the AutoDeposit feature enabled, any money that you receive via Interac e-Transfer® will be deposited into your credit [...]
Manage your Canada Revenue Agency direct deposit information through The Energy Credit Union Limited online banking! We can help you sign up for direct deposit or update your direct [...]
The Energy CU recommends members change their passwords often. Do not reuse any passwords or use the same or similar passwords for different accounts. This also includes passwords for [...]