Online Banking Access

We have detected a significant amount of blocked traffic from reCAPTCHA over the last 2 weeks.  The reCAPTCHA software automatically scans incoming traffic to identify bots, and if the source is a suspected bot then the image verification process is enacted.  This may lead to some members having their access revoked due to 3 failed login attempts.

What is a bot? A bot is an automated program used to mimic human users through repetitive tasks, often used by fraudsters to determine a users password.

Have I been hacked?  No; although, bots ARE attempting to gain unauthorized access to your account.  Your access has been revoked to further protect you.  Please contact the Credit Union during regular business hours so that we can have your access restored.

Should I monitor my account?  Yes, we recommend that you monitor your account for any unusual transactions and let us know as soon as possible if you see anything suspicious.

Should I change my Password?  It is unlikely that the bot has access to your password; however, we recommend that you update your passwords every 90 days.

Why can’t I resume access on weekends?  If your online transaction is urgent and can’t wait until Monday,  you can email and on a best efforts basis access may be restored after business hours.  The Credit Union is also working with providers to offer a Self-Serve PAC Reset that would be available 24/7 that we hope to have rolled out sometime in the near future.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 416-238-5606.  Remember, we will never ask you for your Online Credentials via email, do not provide this information to anyone.

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