Leadership Through Diversity

Recently this year, Ontario’s provincial government has initiated its aim to improve gender diversity on corporate boards, appealing to companies to set targets for female representation. The government further announced that it’s implementing a “target of 40% women for all appointments to every provincial board and agency”. It is also appealing to private sector businesses to institute a 30% target for their boards by the 2017 year-end and further maintains that this sector should pledge to meeting these targets within a three to five year timeline. Failing which, it warns that it may consider “more stringent legislative or regulatory approaches.”

The Energy Credit Union Limited is pleased to announce to our members that the Board has excelled its commitment to gender balance and currently 37.5% of The Energy Credit Union (TECU) board are female. Our proactive approach to leadership continues to drive our sustainability.

Joseph Bonello Chair of TECU asserts, “The Energy Credit Union takes a unique and multifaceted approach to diversity, reaching beyond barriers to create our own destiny. Our long history of gender equality began with our members, our employees, our products and services and extends to our business partners. At the Energy Credit Union, we have always understood that diversity is the key to seeing the greater opportunities that shape our future.”

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