Grandparent scam- use a code word!

The grandparents scam is a common form of fraud where scammers impersonate grandchildren (or any other family member or friend) in distress, seeking financial assistance from their unsuspecting grandparents. To counteract this manipulative tactic, families can establish a code word or phrase that serves as a secret verification method.

With advances in AI (Artificial Intelligence) it is now easier than ever for scammers to trick your loved ones. In a new version of the Grandparent scam, scammers will use audio files of your voice and upload them into programs that can replicate how you sound and make “you” say anything they wish. Authorities warn the public not to trust the voice alone if you receive a call from a loved one in distress asking for financial help. Call the person who supposedly contacted you and verify the story. Use a phone number you know is theirs. If you can’t reach your loved one, try to get in touch with them through another family member or their friends. Also, the use of a code word can be a great tool to protect yourself.

The code word should be something known only to the grandparents and their immediate family members. It could be a unique combination of words or a phrase that holds personal significance within the family. The purpose of the code word is to serve as an authentication measure, enabling the grandparents to verify the identity of the person contacting them.

Here’s an example scenario: Let’s say the grandparents receive a distressing call from someone claiming to be their grandchild. They can employ the code word strategy by asking the caller to provide the secret phrase. If the caller is indeed the legitimate grandchild, they will know the code word and provide it accurately. However, if the caller is an imposter, they will likely be unaware of the code word and fail to provide the correct response. This discrepancy raises a red flag for the grandparents, indicating that the communication may be part of a scam.

By implementing a code word, grandparents can add an extra layer of protection against scammers. It acts as a defense mechanism, empowering them to verify the authenticity of communication before taking any financial or personal actions. However, it’s important to stay vigilant and skeptical of any unexpected requests for money or sensitive information, even if the code word is provided correctly. Always double-check the situation and consult other family members to confirm the legitimacy of the request. If you are asked to provide cash, cryptocurrency, or card numbers in a call like this, it’s highly likely that it is a fraudulent call.

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