Black Friday the Energy CU way!

Black Friday the Energy CU way can be a little different than what you expect. When many people are scrambling for Black Friday Deals, you may want to reconsider what a great deal really is. If that $1200 Big screen TV is 40% off, you didn’t save $480…. You spent $720. There is a big difference!

Why not take some time this Back Friday to do what you can to make sure that your family’s finances stay in the black? Our staff can help you set a path that fits you and your needs. Maybe you need to consolidate those high interest Credit Cards. Perhaps there is a big purchase on your horizon and you’d like to start tucking some cash away each payday. For those of you who are able to do this small step this year, maybe you can take advantage of next year’s Black Friday sales and pay in cash! Get that RRSP line of credit so you can start taking advantage of those tax shelters that you have been missing out on. Call our offices today at 416-238-5606 and we can get you on the path to your own personal Black Friday!

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