Name: Avanti Dhamale
Position: Financial Services Coordinator-Finance
Years at The Energy Credit Union Limited: 6
About Me: I am involved in administration and accounting.
Favorite Credit Union Product/Service: TFSA
Why: I like the product as it helps members save money with the option of locking it in for an even better rate of return or keeping it in a variable account for easy access.
Pineapple on Pizza? Sure, why not?
Share a piece of trivia or fun fact about yourself that people might find surprising. I can speak 3 languages in one sentence.
What’s an item on your bucket list? Visiting Machu Picchu in Peru
Share a favorite song, album, book, movie, or TV show that you think everyone needs to know about. A book I read recently, The Book Thief, is a must read.
What is something that you just can’t live without? My phone and food of course.