Spotlight Series: Meet our Amazing Team – Diane Kocet

Name: Diane Kocet

Position: CEO

Years at The Energy Credit Union Limited: 34 but 38 in total in the Credit Union industry

About Me:  From my humble beginnings as a Teller, I’ve climbed the ranks to become a Loan Clerk, Loan Officer, Assistant Manager, General Manager, and ultimately, the CEO. This journey has provided me with the opportunity to see all aspects of this remarkable industry. Along the way, I have had the privilege of collaborating with inspiring mentors and dedicated colleagues. Their courage and unwavering drive have bolstered my resilience and confidence, enabling me to overcome profound challenges. To everyone who contributed to my success, thank you—I couldn’t have done it without you!

Favorite Credit Union Product/Service:  Flip and Save

Why: It’s user-friendly, automatically rounding up Point-of-Sale transactions and saving the difference in a separate account at a great rate!

Pineapple on Pizza? It depends…

Fun fact about me:  My initial career aspiration was to be a Marine Biologist

Item on my bucket list: I have too many to list, but I am diligently checking them off one by one.

Movie, book, or TV show that you think everyone needs to know about: Rather than specific titles, I’ve learned this from my favourites: If it inspires you, go for it. If it feels bad – don’t.  Always remember—you have choices, even in challenging situations. Gratitude matters!

Something that I just can’t live without: Cats.

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