Why Me?

Identity theft is a growing concern in our society and we are constantly reminded about how to best protect ourselves from being victims.  All too often, however, I am witness to people not paying attention in their daily activities and find it not surprising that so much personal information is being stolen.  Recently, while I was shopping at a local grocery store, I witnessed a cashier ask another cashier what her cash code was.  The other cashier, too indolent to walk over to the one requesting the information, yelled “465234” for all in the vicinity to hear.  Not that this information really means anything to me personally but, if I worked there and wanted to take advantage of this information, how difficult would it be for me to do so?  We are all busy and it is easy to get caught up in our daily lives and look for conveniences much to the benefit of opportunists.  In this case, the cashier’s carelessness could have made her a victim.  Most likely at that point the cashier would also be thunderstruck that it happened to her.  Note to opportunists:  The code number depicted in this blog is fictitious.  Any similarity to any code currently used or expired is merely coincidental.

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