Every Advertising exec must be getting turned on from reading that headline and yes its true, the worlds first Trillion Dollar Campaign is underway. I bet you’re wondering who the client is and no, its not Sony, Microsoft or even Coca-Cola. The campaign is for none other than ‘the Zimbabwean Newspaper.’ Ah huh! That makes sense then seeing as one Zimbabwean dollar is worthless and is now stocked in most restrooms as it is cheaper to get your hands on a Zim dollar than to buy toilet roll. I’m not kidding, its true! Awhile back I wrote about how Zim desperately needs a new manager, CLICK HERE to read the post and check out an actual bill for a few drinks. If you think the recession is affecting you just take a look at THIS bill!Now this is just too clever! Whoever created this ad should march straight to their local supermarket in Zim and demand a cube of sugar for their efforts. I don’t know if this clever piece of advertising was created in house at the Zimbabwean or if an agency created this but it truly does exemplify creative thinking.
The campaign uses Z$100 Trillion Dollar notes which have actually worked out cheaper than printing the billboard on paper! The message quite clearly illustrates how Robert Mugabe has screwed up the country to such an extent that its money is now worthless. To reinforce the campaign, Zim dollars with stamped messages calling for support of the Zimbabwean where handed out.
Check out the link here.