HBC Run for Canada

On July 1, 2008, as most people were enjoying their one day off to enjoy sleeping in, I was up at the crack of dawn and heading downtown for the HBC Canada Day Run for Olympic Athletes. We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day on our Canada Day Holiday. Not a cloud in the sky, sun blazing down on what had to be at least 1000 runners, including some olympic athletes as well.

The 10k run kicked off at Ontario Place, including a 1k run for kids. There were lots of volunteers available, festivities, and good spirits as runners ran to raise money to support the athletes representing Canada in the 2008 Olympics. Following the run, an all day pass to Ontario Place was also given to all the runners.

The run takes place every Canada Day at Ontario Place. If any runners are looking for an event that the whole family can enjoy next year, check out their main webpage and support our Olympic Athletes.


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