:   Although this scam is based out of the North Eastern US, our members can always be on the alert to avoid scams artists and fraudsters. Residents of Paramus, NJ and surrounding areas have been receiving automated ”Vishing” telephone calls impersonating a local financial institution. The automated calls have gone out to thousands of area residents regardless of which financial institution they patronize.  It is clear that the perpetrators of this scam are not in possession of the specific information for the financial institution that they are impersonating. SCAM ARCHITECTURE 

  1. A consumer receives a pre-recorded call identifying a specific local financial institution.  The message informs that consumer that his or her personal bank accounts have been frozen.  The messages advises the consumer to immediately input their ATM or debit card number, expiration, date, and PIN to reactivate the affective accounts.  CV2 from the back of the card may also be requested.


  1. Calls appear to be made from various telephone numbers. The automated phone calls are most likely being made from a Voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) telephone service using various telephone numbers that are attributed to this scam.


  1. Unauthorized ATM withdrawals are occurring immediately in Spain (and possibly other countries) as this scam develops.

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