Forget the patch…you just need to quit your job…..

So there is this guy who wants to quit smoking. More power to him. He has decided to quit smoking and to do this he spends the first few days in “lockdown” playing his video game to keep his mind and his hands busy.

He also advises those who wish to quit. “I did nothing but play Pokémon non-stop. My routine was to sleep extra late (because if I’m not awake, I’m not craving a smoke), play Pokémon for about 8 hours with breaks to stretch and eat, read Pokémon walkthroughs, F.A.Q.s, strategies, and websites, and then sleep.”

I guess the idea is good in theory.

If you would like any more medical advice from an unemployed man who stays home and plays children’s video games all day, you can check out the link here.

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