E-mail Scam Alert! Be aware!

We have received reports from members this morning of suspicious e-mails. These e-mails appeared in their in-boxes from “Credit Union Canada”. DO NOT CLICK THE LINK! These fraudulent e-mails wrongfully suggest that their credit union account has been accessed from an unrecognized device and the account was therefore blocked. The e-mail mentions a missing sum of money as well as providing a link for members to click to re-instate their accounts. DO NOT CLICK THE LINK! This appears to be a classic example of a phishing attempt. Fraudsters are hoping members will click the link and will likely be brought to a fraudulent log-in page where their account information will be solicited with the promise of “restoring” the disabled internet access.

 TECU members should know that TECU will NEVER solicit you for personal or private information via email, phone or online. If someone is requesting that you give out personal information unsolicited by you, you should see this as what it really is, a red flag. If you suspect that you have received a phishing email from an institution, call up the real company with a phone number you trust to find out what is going on. Never reply to it. Delete it from your inbox. Remember – why would anyone want to confirm information that they already have? Something sure smells phishy!

For more information about how you can keep yourself safe online please visit our website under the FYI tab. Here in our Alerts section you can read up on other tactics fraudsters use to try and gain your information and funds!

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