Cloverfield Review

Released January 18, 2008

What can I say about Cloverfield. It’s The Blair Witch Project meets Godzilla meets Aliens. I had actually never even seen a preview of this movie before, and was planning to see 27 dresses with some friends. However, one of my friends husband was going to see Cloverfield, which at the time had less people in the theatre than 27 dresses, so I went to see that instead. I had no idea what I was in for, all I knew is that the whole movie would be shown through a video camera by one of the performers. If I can give any pointers to seeing this movie, it would be to not sit so close to the front of the screen, as at most time the camera action is very shakey. I do have to give some credit, as it doesn’t appear as amateur like as The Blair Witch Project, where by at some points I would wonder if they switched from hand held camera to studio camera. There wasn’t much plot to the movie, basically run and try to stay alive, oh yea, and run towards the monster where the love of your life just happens to be trapped. The movie is about a group of friends who are having a going away party for one of their own, when terror strikes the city of manhattan by what appears to be a Godzilla type creature out for blood. Throughout the entire movie, I kept thinking to myself, “just drop the damn camera and run!”. When the movie finaly ended, which by the way was only 84 minutes, that of a Walt Disney movie, I could hear the young teen behind chanting worst movie ever, worst movie ever. He may have been right. My first opinion was the same thing, should have seen 27 dresses. However, the more I think about it, the more I think how the movie did something different. I can’t put my hand on what that different thing is, all I know is that when rumours started flowing of a sequel from the same attacks, different video camera from different part of town, it spiked my interest. I may actually see the sequel, if and when it comes out. 3/5.

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