Are you held captive by your fears? You many not be alone. While the exact rankings may change over time, here are the top ten now and just as a comparison, the top ten from 2007.
1. Speaking in public
2. Snakes
3. Confined Spaces
4. Heights
5. Spiders
6. Tunnels and Bridges
7. Crowds
8. Public Transporation (Especially Planes)
9. Storms
10. Water (as in swimming and drowning not drinking)
By comparison in 2007, our fears were:
1. Spiders (Arachnophobia)
2. Social Phobia (Characterized by being criticized or humiliated in social situations)
3. Flying (Aerophobia)
4. Agoraphobia (Fear of open spaces)
5. Enclosed or confined spaces (Claustrophobia)
6. Heights (Acrophobia)
7. Vomit (Emetophobia)
8. Cancer (Carcinophobia)
9. Thunder (Brontophobia)
10. Death or dead things (Necrophobia)
and as an added bonus
11. Public Speaking
Thanks Mandy!