Without Motive?

There has been a lot to be said on both sides of the debate of the new proposal for file sharing.  With well over one billion music files being shared in Canada each year and only about 2.00 of this comprising of legally purchased downloads, it’s not a wonder that the Songwriters Association of Canada has put forth a plan to ensure that music creators receive renumeration for their work as well as fulfill the demand for the way in which  music is distributed.  The plan would include a $5.00 a month ‘license’ to be added to everyones monthly internet provider’s bill.  The fee would allow users to share files legally without the threat of copyright infringment.  Some ISP providers are currently against this proposal as the administration of the framework would fall in their lap for implementation.  Would you support this plan?

Source and more info can be found at www.songwriters.ca

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