It’s Only a Matter of Time…

It first started a few years ago when Torontonians were banned from smoking inside restaurants. It then progressed to the point where people were no longer allowed to smoke in any building. It usually only takes one city to change their bylaw before others begin doing the same. Last week, in a small Nova Scotia town called Wolfville, the city voted for a change in their bylaw banning people from smoking in a car with an enfant. Part of me thinks it’s a great idea, since the young enfant is unable to speak for themselves, and has no other means of transportation. But another part of me feels that our rights are continually being taken away. Today we can talk on our cell phones while we drive, but it’s only a matter of time before another bylaw is passed restricting that. I understand that most laws are provided to serve and protect, I just think people need to be more diligent when they drive, or take into account other passengers that are in the car with them. It’s like the more laws and restrictions that we have make us more Americanized. As a reformed smoker, I never use to smoke in the car when I had other passengers. I also refused to talk on my phone when I was driving either. Take the entertainment industry for example, we all complain about how much it costs to go to the movies these days. We complain that they charge too much, but what we don’t get is they need to increase the prices somewhere to make up for the difference they are losing from video rentals and sales due to ilegal bootlegging and pirating. How many people out there have never illegally downloaded either music or videos. We’re actually hurting ourselves. It’s the choices that we make that spawn life to these new bylaws, and it’s only a matter of time before we are restricted even further. And that’s Whatz Slammin.

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